Graphic Design
My art functions both as a powerful commentary as well as an invitation to free ourselves from gender limitations that are defined by society and speak out against the power gender stereotypes have in terms of hiding our true nature and therefore limiting our life experiences.
MSM is an installation piece commenting on the FDA's discriminatory blood donation policy towards Gay/Bisexual/Trans men in the U.S. The policy states that 'men who have sex with men' (MSM) must be celibate for three months including those in monogamous relationships and practice safe sex. It reinforces negative stereotypes particularly that AIDS and HIV is a "gay disease." With modern technology and testing, statistics have proven that HIV in the gay community has decreased since 2015, which shows that Gay/Bisexual/Trans men can safely donate blood. Since the pandemic, blood banks have been low on volunteer donors yet the FDA still reinforces this policy when there are plenty of men willing to donate their blood but cannot.
MSM, 2020-2021
Metal Hardware, PVC Tubing,
Blood Donation Bags, Printed Labels
48" x 48" x 60"