After recently experiencing an intense amount of loss and mourning, I question where people go after they die. Growing up within a Catholic/Christian household, people are believed to resurrect in heavenly bodies or change form while on hold towards their life's judgment. Alongside these beliefs, I use the idea of Samsara, a continuous cycle in which the soul is reborn over and over again according to the law of action and reaction. These concepts translate directly into my work, through the use of literal and figurative forms of process/ through the use of process. Process, being an important component in my art practice, operates in /three different/ several ways within this piece. Collaged imagery, of deceased family members, is processed/is turned/ into sound through a program which turns visual information into soundwaves. This output is then played through cassettes on a loop /until they disinte-grate/ and play out the process of disintegration. Through the process of image transfer, the colleges are visually displayed on blue organza.
With the visual and auditory information provided, the viewer is confronted with an immersive experience. The triangular layout allows for the three images, with their corresponding "voices"/sound, to have a conversation/To converse/ amongst themselves. This dialogue then becomes a form of reincarnation of deceased souls.
WIP, 2021
Blue vellum, rebar, cassette player/infinite tape
96" x 96" x 96"