Graphic Design
My designs explore new and futuristic ideas in order to teach the viewer something new. My goal is to get every viewer interested in my topic enough so they research more on the topic when they leave my work. My creative inventions and future scenarios open up the viewer's imagination and encourage them to visualize their own conclusions on the possible future. Additionally, I aim to engage the viewer with my work by always leaving them with something to take, whether that is a physical thing or a new understanding of the topic explored in my work.
Synaptech - Bringing thought Into reality, is the fictional futuristic company I created for my thesis project. Synaptech works with Neural Interface Technology and Augmented Reality. My goal was to get people interested in this tech so they do their own research on the subject. There are already many companies working on advancements similar to the one in my piece, such as NeuraLink, Kernel, BrainCo, and Mojo Vision. I believe that Brain Machine Interfaces are the future of technology and will be the most important advancement we will make as humans. This technology will allow us to merge with AI and not be left behind by the Artificial Intelligent machines that are constantly being developed today. Essentially we will become what is known as a Cyborg (half human half robot). The argument can be made that we are already Cyborgs today because of our smartphones. We can never be without them and they store endless amounts of information we use every day. So having the power of a smartphone implanted closer to our brains making an instant connection seems like the ideal next step, right?
Our Future with BMI Technology, 2020-2021
Print, Digital Media, and Mixed Media
Dimensions variable