The home is an extension of our bodies. It is both a stage for performing, and a container for storing. French philosopher, Gaston Bachelard devised the term topoanalysis to be the study of human identity as it relates to the intimate places in people's lives. Using Bachelard's The Poetics of Space as reference, Unheard Symphony plays with the overlooked subtlety of everyday domestic components, and their effect on human identity.
The home became a predominant concern of mine during this past year, due to my experience of eviction. This process clarified the impermanence of the home, and introduced the necessity of detachment. Working with the idea of nomadic living, and Robert Smithson's theory of the Nonsite, the stand-alone structure itself exists as a space of metaphoric significance. Through the feeling of loss, I was able to hone in on which elements of the home affect the identity in which we humans associate with.
A home without life in it is completely quiet; it is just the shell of a house. Yet so much lingers in the silence of the space. With phenomenology in mind, I provide the viewer with a narrow selection of sensory stimulation. All that exists within this apartment layout is visual and auditory texture.
Unheard Symphony, 2020-2021
Domestic fabrics, PVC pipes, speakers
72" x 108" x 108"